bipolar mom shares her insights on everyday life

Archive for July, 2010


I returned home from the NYG (National Youth Gathering) in New Orleans last week.  I’m still on a high.  It was a mountaintop experience.  There were 25,000 Lutheran youth that pretty much filled the Superdome.  Having all of those singing at the top of their lungs and praising God was just amazing.  We had Mass Events every night where everyone congregated in the dome, and I got teary-eyed just about every night.  Okay.  Every night.

I wish I could explain the experience, but I liken that to taking pictures of the Grand Canyon.  Sure, the photos look pretty, but seeing it in person is an entirely different matter.

I have some funny stories to share, but I’m just going to let this post sit here for now.


Friends have asked for details about the next show I’m in (and, no, I’m not making that up), so here’s the link for the info!

Note:  Friday night for an extra $5.00, you get to play Bingo with the cast before the show!

Just One of Those Days

I’ve been having some incredible days lately.  I mean, flat out awesome!  My change in medication has made a world of difference in my energy level.

First of all, a couple of weeks ago, I got cast in the musical “Nunsense” as Sister Mary Hubert!  There are only five people in the show, so I’m quite excited!  I’ve had one week of rehearsals, and I’m enjoying every minute of it!

Tom and Mark headed off to Philmont (A Boy Scout place in New Mexico.  A pretty big deal) last week for 10 days.  I got a postcard from Mark near the top of the mountain telling me that he wasn’t dead.  ha  Loved it.

While they are gone, Karen and I have been enjoying some great “girl time.”  We’ve done so much I can’t even list it all.  Let’s just say we haven’t gotten on each other’s nerves one iota!

Then…TODAY set in.

Emotionally, it’s a fine day, so don’t worry.  I’m just having a day like everyone else does, when things seem to go wrong, wrong, wrong. 

I can’t find my .mp3 player, and I really want to take it to New Orleans with me this week.  (I’m very excited about that too!  YEA!!!) I’m going to put the choreography and music for the play on there, so I can work on them while I’m gone (and missing 5 rehearsals!  They knew that and still wanted me!  Unbelievable!) so I’d really like to find it.  The worst part is remembering that I saw it on the counter, where it laid for weeks, and thinking, “Oh, I really shouldn’t put that there.  I need to move it to a better spot.”  BUT WHERE, MICHELLE?  WHERE?!?!?!?

Now, Hotmail is messed up and I can’t send messages or search my email for my Southwest Airlines ticket info.  But, I’m calmer knowing that I don’t need it until Wednesday.

AND, I have a stupid sinus headache, that actually started when I sneezed really hard this afternoon.  And, it just won’t go away.

Sure, now that I write this out, it seems silly.  Which is part of the reason I decided to write it.  I was hoping this would happen.  I’ll go eat that Ben & Jerry’s now, and it will all be better.  I’ll deal with it tomorrow.