bipolar mom shares her insights on everyday life

Too Soon?

Great day #2 got me thinking about throwing my hat into the ring to substitute for our local school district. How’s that for coming out of the gate running? I have to go get my teaching certificate out of our safety deposit box, so I can’t complete the application process. Otherwise, I think I’d be trying to finish it tonight! (A little mania showing here???) I’m excited and nervous at the same time. I don’t know who I’d get letters of references from. I’ve been out of teaching since Mark was born. That’s 17 years, people! But, I just know it would be good for me and I would like it! It’s perfect for a bipolar person like myself, because I can pick and choose what days I work. Karen is almost excited as I am! She thinks it would be just great. Why? Because then she can snack while I’m gone. I love that my kids tell me the truth. ha

Oh, yeah, and the first day of school was today, and I have two in high school now. Like that’s a big deal. 🙂

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