bipolar mom shares her insights on everyday life

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And Now the Waiting Begins

I’ve had great days! Yea!

I met with Kent, and he said that he didn’t see a “down side” to my substitute teaching. Yea!! 

Now I have to wait at least a month before Human Resources even starts to look at substitutes. Plus, 65% of their current subs are elementary. Boo.

Oh well, I’ve done what I can, the rest is in God’s hands. Yea!

Too Soon?

Great day #2 got me thinking about throwing my hat into the ring to substitute for our local school district. How’s that for coming out of the gate running? I have to go get my teaching certificate out of our safety deposit box, so I can’t complete the application process. Otherwise, I think I’d be trying to finish it tonight! (A little mania showing here???) I’m excited and nervous at the same time. I don’t know who I’d get letters of references from. I’ve been out of teaching since Mark was born. That’s 17 years, people! But, I just know it would be good for me and I would like it! It’s perfect for a bipolar person like myself, because I can pick and choose what days I work. Karen is almost excited as I am! She thinks it would be just great. Why? Because then she can snack while I’m gone. I love that my kids tell me the truth. ha

Oh, yeah, and the first day of school was today, and I have two in high school now. Like that’s a big deal. 🙂

What’s up? Me!!!!!!!!!

Got up this morning feeling amazing! I went over to my folks’ and shared the good news with them. They could hardly believe it. Was this the same girl who was over there just yesterday with tears in her eyes? Yes, indeed!!!

No change in lifestyle or medication, so I really don’t know what to attribute it to, but I’m not going to question it, just ride this roller coaster that is now on the upswing.

Thank you for the prayers. They are working!

Yeah, Yeah, I Know. Where Have I Been?

I don’t know why I looked on here, but today I did. So, it looks like I haven’t blogged since January. Wow. There goes that resolution. I’m in a down-slump right now. The family is at church, but I just couldn’t bring myself to go. Too much work to be “on.” And, about the third “How are you?” I would have been fighting back tears. 

A couple of weeks ago, the doctor upped my Abilify to boost me out of my depression. It was a really bad one. I felt like I was headed for the hospital for sure, but the Abilify helped. For the most part. I’m still struggling with some down times. 

The family went on a vacation to Gatlinburg, TN for a family reunion and we all had a good time. Yep. Even I did. I didn’t nap excessively. In fact, there were two days I didn’t nap at all! Sleep is still proving to be an issue. A red flag as it were. I’m working on it, though. Trying to limit the time.

I realize this post is all jumpy and doesn’t flow, but I figure, why not just type it up anyway? I hope you, my readers, will say a little prayer for me. Your prayers have worked in the past and I have confidence they will again.

Restaurant Review: Chimi’s in Wildwood

My family absolutely loved going to Papi’s in Wildwood and was very sad when it went out of business. The owner assured people that the new restaurant coming in was a friend of his, and we should try it out. After what seemed like a decade later, the new place, Chimi’s, has finally opened.

My first thought as I walked in was, “Aw. It reminds me of Papi’s.” Then, I realized I needed to get over that. Papi was not coming back. The decor actually reminded me a lot of El Maguey’s.

Tom and I got there a little before 6:00, and we got the last table. It was all the way in the back, by the bathroom, and, honestly…dark. If Tom and I were on a date, I might have found it romantic. But, since we are an old married couple, and I need new reading glasses, it was just annoying. There was a light directly over our table, but it had been dimmed for “mood lighting,” I guess. The place filled up pretty quickly after that.

Let’s get down to the food, shall we? I mean, that’s what restaurant reviews are about, right? So, first off, Tom ordered a medium margarita that was very large, and rated it as “a good margarita.” (Which for those of you that don’t know Tom, is his way of saying, “WOW! This is a great margarita!”)

Salsa and chips were nothing to write home about, so I won’t. Not bad, just not remarkable.

But, then, my friends, the chimichangas arrived. Oh. My. Gosh. I haven’t had something this tasty in a looooooong time. I chose the shredded beef chimi, and I don’t think I’ll ever order anything else. It was that good. The beef had been marinated and was so juicy and tender! I actually said, “Mmmmmmm…” when I took my first bite. And then said it again during the second bite. The beans and rice were good as well. The beans were firm, not mushy. The rice had some corn in it. (I don’t care much for corn, but this was a good addition, in my opinion. Gave it a fresher taste.)

All in all, I would recommend this place to anyone who likes Mexican food. I’m sure their other food is good too, but I’ll never know because I’m only going to order the shredded beef chimi every time I go.

Address:17209 New College Ave., Wildwood, MO

Phone: 636-273-4333Image

I Hab a Code in By Dose

Yes, I do. I have a cold. This one has made it’s rounds through our house, and I am the last to get it. No, I didn’t get the flu shot.

Actually, this cold isn’t the worst one I’ve had (oh, dear, I may have just jinxed myself), but it’s no picnic. As usual, I have stuff to do, and don’t really have time for this cold, so I am politely asking it to go away.

     Dear Cold,

          I hope you have enjoyed your brief stay in my head. I ask that you take all of your belongings with you as you leave. As to your question of vacancies in my lungs or chest, I am afraid I will not be able to accommodate you at this time.



She’s Baaaack!

When I heard the news, I thought of you, my readers.  The neighbor that called me “Nancy” is back! After 3 1/2 years, she returns!  Not next door to me, but a couple of houses away. What are the odds? She’s divorced the guy she married and moved back into the neighborhood.

I’m sure it’s because of the warm fuzzies all her neighbors gave her.  She wasn’t a bad neighbor (I’m assuring my friend who is now her next door neighbor), she’s just very self-centered. And, we used to worry that she would just drop her kids off at our house while she went shopping or something. (Yes, that really did happen to my other neighbor) But, now that her kids are older, I’m sure she’ll just leave them at home. Oh, wait. I forgot. She had another kid with her now ex-husband. Well, I’m sure she won’t drop off the wee one at our houses. (Especially if I don’t answer the door!)

I wonder if I should bake some cookies and sign them, “From, Nancy.” Nah, I think I’ll let that sleeping dog lie. She’s got herself a new Nancy now!

Good Manners. Good Idea!

I was cleaning out my desk the other day and found a bookmark that had 100 Ways to Show Good Manners. I was reading through them, and thought, “Hey, that would make for some good blogging.” So, each entry is going to have several off the list and then my commentary. (You’re on the edge of your seats, aren’t you?)

1. Say “Please” (Say “Thank you” is on the list as well.)

2. Be generous

3. Wait your turn

4. Obey rules

5. Share

6. Be a good listener

7. Respect people in charge

Ah, that first one is so important, isn’t it? Maybe that’s why it is listed first! Today, we are going to focus on that one.

When the kids were little I remember teaching them, “There are three little words that you can say with ease. Two of them are ‘Thank you,’ the other is ‘Please.'” Truly, this is huge to me. I remember when I was leaving the teaching profession to raise my own children, my principal asked me how I got my students to do things so willingly. At the time, I couldn’t come up with an answer. Later, I realized that what worked was treating them with respect. I used “Please” and “Thank you” with them all of the time. I did it without thinking. I say those three words with anyone, regardless of age. I use it with my kids at home too. “Karen, would you please set the table?” “Mark, would you please turn off the TV?” “Will you two please shut up?” You can really fit “please” in a lot of your everyday language. ha

My neighbor makes it a high priority with her girls as well. She told me that she expects them to say “Thank you” at least three times when someone does something like take them to school. She’s taught them well. They do it. Impressive.

I expect a “Thank you” as well. If I open the door for you, you’d better say “Thank you.” If not, I’ve been known to say, “You’re welcome, Your Highness.” Yes, I’ve really said it. Once. And it felt great. Really great.

My folks tell me that my kids always thank them several times whenever my folks buy them dinner or have them over. I hope so. And, I hope that they do so with everyone. It would be really embarrassing to be writing about how important this is and raise kids who don’t have them.

Post It Note Tuesday, January 25


I can’t tell you how much time I spent playing with this website.  It was mesmerizing and just plain fun.

It is supposed to trigger and develop your imagination.
