bipolar mom shares her insights on everyday life

About a year or so ago, I went to the sleep clinic and the doctor said that I needed between 8-10 hours sleep. Really?!

Well, that seems about right these days. I sleep 8 hours every night, and during the day I take a 2 hour nap. Who is lucky enough to have a lifestyle that is accommodating enough to allow a 2 hour nap?  Since lack of sleep is one of my bipolar triggers, I’m lucky to have such an opportunity each day.

I could go to bed at 8 and wake up at 6. (Some nights that sounds pretty good! Especially when the weather is as cool as it is right now!)

A 2 hour nap sure cuts out a big chunk of my day, but I get so sleepy I can’t help it. The dreams I have during those naps are weird and very vivid. Too boring to share, don’t worry.

Just thought I’d drop a line before I hit the hay on my way to la la land.

Comments on: "Catching Some Zzzzs and Then Some" (2)

  1. I’m so glad you’re taking that seriously. It’s easy to blow off sleep and think it’s really nothing but that’s the number one thing the body does for itself. I’m very guilty of feeling bad when I get a long night’s sleep or take a nap. Gene constantly nags me and I’m finally starting to believe him that if you’re sleepy enough to sleep, then your body needs it–so do it! 🙂

  2. […] spent the rest of the afternoon over there. My mood picked up quite a bit. I didn’t take my daily nap because, honestly, I was worried I wouldn’t want to get out of bed. […]

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